Welcome Everyone.

Welcome to News From Italy, my blog about our Italian Adventure. Although this blog has now ceased publication I will be continuing to blog and I am sincerely hoping that my many followers here will move with me to Travel Tales blog to follow my next adventures wherever they may take me. The links to my other blogs are:-

I look forward to keeping in touch with you via them, thanks once again for all the support you have given 'News From Italy' over the years.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Home Again!

I am looking forward to seeing sunset skies like this again, this one I captured just before we left on our travels.

I am home again and looking forward to getting back into the rhythms of daily life here in Italy. We only arrived home yesterday having left here for our travels to Switzerland and the UK on December 20th 2011. A long time but it flew by and has left me with lots to share with you both here and on my other blogs. As I typed the words ‘other blogs’ I realised what a long way I have also travelled in the terms of blogging since this time last year when I wrote the post Blogging - Photography – Reading

At that time I was concerned at how my blogging was going to develop during 2011 as I wanted to be able to develop my other interests and still find enough to write about here that you my readers would want to read.  Well somehow it seems that I found the balance and I carried on writing my two existing blogs gaining some lovely new followers during the year.

It was towards the end of 2011 that I decided to set up not one but two new blogs to enable me to share more of our travels with you and my growing passion for photography. The travel blog Travel Tales came about thanks to encouragement from readers here who showed an interest, when I felt that I had been sharing too much that was not relevant on this blog. My interest in photography grew in the eighteen months that I contributed to Beautiful World, which has now ceased publication, the reason for me setting up LindyLouMac's World In Photos.

My plans for blogging during 2012 are if possible to keep all four blogs publishing as they all reflect my interests in a different way. I certainly have plans for lots of book reviews, loads of photos to share, places of interest to tell you about and of course continue here with snippets about ‘Our Life’ here in Italy.  I am hoping that this will not be too much to balance as I never want blogging to become more than a pleasure. My motto will remain that I shall Blog Without Obligation but hopefully continue to grow with the help of the encouraging enthusiasm I have received from so many of you over the last year.

I look forward to these relationships continuing throughout 2012 as your comments and support really do make blogging a pleasure.

Thankyou to each and everyone of you, Family, Friends and Followers long established or those of you who have recently joined me, you are all appreciated.

Maybe if you are interested in Reading, Photography or Virtual Travel you will also consider becoming a follower of one or all of my other blogs. I promise not to overload you with posts as I know we all have busy lives in the real world and as the other bloggers amongst you already know it is quite a task to keep on top of reading all the interesting blogs there are out there in the blogsphere that interest us.

LindyLouMac's Book Reviews

LindyLouMac's World In Photos

Travel Tales

May 2012 be a great Blogging Year for readers and writers alike.