I have not previously mentioned this terrible Italian disaster on News From Italy which happened on the 13th of January 2012, while we were in the UK. The Costa Concordia partially sank after hitting rocks, then running aground off the coast of the small Italian island, Isola del Giglio, not far from the mainland. Over four thousand people had to be evacuated and sadly there were inevitably deaths and injuries. I will not go into any more details as I imagine that the majority of you will have heard about this, if you want to read more the report at Wikipedia - Costa Concordia Disaster is explanatory and concise.
Earlier this week todays choice for my Sunday Song was released by two survivors of the Costa Concordia disaster and I thought it would be fitting to share here.
Justine Pelmelay a singer from the Netherlands and Antonella Tonna an Italian pianist got together after both surviving the tragedy. The pianist Antonella was working on board the cruise liner and the singer Justine was with her partner on a vacation. The song recalls those moments when it felt like ‘Time Stood Still’ and I think it is a moving tribute. It has been decided that all proceeds from the song will go to the residents of the Isola del Giglio who went out of their way that night to offer shelter to the survivors of the disaster.

Il Tempo Si é Fermato - Justine Pelmelay with Antonello Tonna ( Costa Concordia )
Uploaded by MrTieconcepts on Mar 7, 2012
You Tube Link http://youtu.be/KNsKaZr9ER0
Ma-ni strette dentro una speranza
Mani che sussurrano, una preghiera nella danza
La Luna che
illuminava i nostri "perchè"
Ma-ni, tese dentro un abbraccio
Mani che rimangono ferme ad aspettare un cenno
Il mare che
abbracciava i nostri "perchè"......."perchè"
Il tempo che scivolava via...
trascinandosi i sogni e le bugie.
Un segnale, fra pace e guerra,
fra chi scelte più non ha, fra chi le mani nell'acqua immergerà....
Con il mare stretto in un abbraccio,
dietro quel gigante che
ignorava ogni coraggio..
La vita in ogni cosa così si rispecchierà..
Il tempo che scivolava via...
trascinandosi i sogni e le bugie.
Un segnale, fra pace e guerra,
fra chi scelte più non ha, fra chi le mani nell'acqua immergerà....
Ma-ni che raccolgono un abbraccio
Ma-ni stanche e fredde per raccontare un naufragio
Il mare che per sempre ci parlerà non lo scorderà
Songwriters: Justine Pelmelay, Ronald van Driel, Marcel Schimscheimer
Italian Lyrics: Antonello Tonna
Studio: Highland studios Loosdrecht
Mix music: Hans Bedeker
Video and Voices: HD Soundstudio Jody Koewé
I have not included a translation, it is always difficult to translate songs and I think it sometimes spoils it. There are plenty of online translators available, if you have the desire to have the English words, but sadly they are also not always very accurate. My advice is just listen and imagine as ‘Time Stood Still’
With thanks to Wikipedia - Costa Concordia Disaster , Wikipedia- Justine Pelmelay, Antonella Antonella Tonna – Facebook and YouTube for information and photos quoted in this tribute.
Une musique très belle et très émouvante!
ReplyDeleteMerci pour le partage.
Bon dimanche****
Thanks for posting this, the song is full of emotion and feeling. It must have been dreadful, the darkness, the panic and not knowing what was going to happen to you - whether you would live or die.
ReplyDeleteA very sad, and needless!, accident. I will be curious to see how it all plays out in the Italian justice system. I think it was great that they donated the proceeds from this song!
ReplyDeleteIt's really sad and hearttouching song.
ReplyDeleteA beautiful tribute.
ReplyDeleteThis is a brilliant gesture as we all know how the inhabitants of the small island went out their way to help out! The photos were very impressive and was the hot topic on the news for quite a few days! the crazy thing is that Costa had another ship in difficulty a couple of weeks later! Not sure i would use them!!!!
ReplyDeletebeautiful tribute....I can't understand the words
ReplyDeletebut feel the emotion of it, just the same.
It always strikes me as amazing how CLOSE to shore
they were.....looks like such an easy swim.
Maybe the photos are deceiving.
Such beautiful waters to be so spoiled by the wreckage.
beautiful song for such a horrible event.Thre was lots of coverage of this on our C|anadian news.We have a huge Italian population here in our northern Ontario city.One third of our population are Italian.Thankyou for sharing this today.
ReplyDeleteThat song is a fitting tribute indeed. It was very sad and then, of course, another ship from the same line also got into trouble, which is not good. I did think it was funny though the excuses that the Captain of the ship came up with. Apparently, he "just found himself in the lifeboat." Yes, well .....
ReplyDeleteI did not understand the words, but I certainly understood the emotions behind them. How moving! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Ricki Jill
Hanno fatto bene a devolvere tutto a favore dei gigliesi. Hanno offerto grande umanità in questa brutta storia.
ReplyDeleteWhat a photo. This is going around the world. Great drama.
ReplyDeleteThe song is beautiful. Kind regards, Synnöve
What a tragedy this was! This song captured the emotions of everyone that heard about this story...thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis was a terrible tragedy and received much coverage in the news here. Justine Pelmelay has a beautiful voice and her song is a very touching tribute to those losts and the survivors.
ReplyDeleteThis tragedy could have been avoided too. It was so sad and I feel for the families. I like that these two got together and are donating the proceeds to those who helped. Just sad that they had to even do that. Very nice post!
ReplyDeleteA terrible, needless accident - so many people will be affected for a very long time.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sad and beautiful song
ReplyDeleteGreat song, a fitting tribute to these deaths that could have been so easily avoided...
ReplyDeleteMy post about this disaster here:
A delicious tribute, with a nice recognition of the inhabitants of the island.
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful song - lovely to hear such talented singers combine their voices in tribute. No translation is necessary to hear the depth of their feelings.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand a word, but it's a beautiful song. It's great too that they are donating 100% of the proceeds. Such a tragedy though.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely thing to do to show their gratitude. I grieve over tragedies like this, but I am so moved by how they often bring out the very best in people.
ReplyDeleteawesome post this is goog
ReplyDeleteThat is so moving for the two to do what they do best to help others. This is a big news here with us that time because many of the ship crews are Filipinos and i think some of them died!
ReplyDeleteVery sad, thanks for sharing the song.
This was such a tragedy. My parents didn't talk of anything else when it happened. The song truly reflects the feelings associated with what happened.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I tagged you on my Essentially Italian blog:
Feel free to participate or not. Hope you have fun answering the questions if you do!
My husband and I watched a National Geographic show on the sinking of the Concordia. What a tragedy. Thank you for wishing me a Happy Birthday!
ReplyDeleteI have been reading g a lot about it and it's so sad :(
ReplyDeleteThis is a beautiful song, and a fitting memorial to the event.